Optimization of warehouse operation – Elektrocentar Petek

After the completion of the projects the benefits we got were:

  • Several times higher productivity (turnover of the company and of the warehouse increased drastically, and the number of the employees remained the same)
  • Easier and faster stock-taking
  • Decrease of urgent and undelivered orders by 30%
  • Greater data accuracy – we could finally rely on the right amount of stock
  • Better relations and communication between the technical department and warehouse…


Optimization of warehouse operation 

Over the past year, LOGIKO has actively participated in the business of “Elektrocentar Petek d.o.o.” with their consultancy services and by implementing the project Optimization of Warehouse Operation. In cooperation with LOGIKO and Mr. Zrilić we carried out the Project of Warehouse Optimization. The project comprised the complete warehouse construction process in the course of which LOGIKO worked with us using their expertise and experience in:

  • Defining the layout i.e. disposition of shelves in the warehouse
  • Developing the racking numbering and labelling scheme
  • Determining locations in the warehouse for allocation of different groups of double items
  • Organizing new warehouse processes and patterns of employee behavior
  • Final phases of complete informatization and introduction of WMS.

After the completion of the projects the benefits we got were:

  • Several times higher productivity (turnover of the company and of the warehouse increased drastically, and the number of the employees remained the same)
  • Easier and faster stock-taking
  • Decrease of urgent and undelivered orders by 30%
  • Greater data accuracy – we could finally rely on the right amount of supplies
  • Better relations and communication between the technical department and warehouse…

We would definitely recommend the consulting services of the LOGIKO company because with their expertise and detailed analysis they not only include the work on a targeted project, but also, as appropriate, they include other problems that they consider might affect the quality implementation of the project.


Silvija Novosel
Project Manager
Elektrocentar Petek d.o.o.
