

My (short) story

Since my childhood I have been fascinated by the story that says: “Learn from the sun – it rises in the morning, and it sets in the evening and it leaves behind the brightness and warmth.” 

My second fascination is a systematic and strategic thinking, as old Romans were able to do, even with operative problems ("Hanibal ante portas!") to think strategically and plan a war on the enemy’s ground.

In my heart I am an entrepreneur – I run LOGIKO CONSULTING and my passion is to help entrepreneurs and companies of all sizes (from EUR 1 million to EUR 50 million) to discern more clearly operative and strategical challenges, and to make profitable decisions.

My curiosity has no limits (I read 50-100 books a year) - I wonder at all that is new and that makes me humble before the complex world and it helps me to learn and develop constantly.
Read my whole story


SCM Projects


Satisfied Clients


Trained Managers, Entrepreneurs, and Professionals




written Books


written Expert Articles


Conducted Seminars, Conferences, and Events


Years of Experience in Supply Chain Management


"...dramatically improve cash flow." - Edvard Varda, Director, Zoo Hobby (Unconditional)

"...implement processes within three months that you've been trying for years." - Dejan Milovanović, Director, Auto Milovanović Group

"...increase production capacity by 100% in just one year." - Toni Grubišić, Director, FRIGO PLUS

"...restore faith that you can make significant changes." - Karolina Perić, Director, IMACO Systemtechnik

"...accelerate processes and enhance the level of service."

You are in the right place!

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