
E-Book – Why the Strategic Supply Chain Matters


SCM is a vital strategic competency in any organization. It encompasses the processes and activities necessary to design, make, deliver, and support a product or service. Disruptive forces remind us how important it is to integrate supply chain strategy with business strategy and to have well thought-out crisis management, mitigation, and contingency plans in place for when the unexpected occurs.


Table Of Contents

Introduction page2image1636096page2image16367203

It Began with Vertical Integration page2image16360964

Flattened Out 5 Going Global page2image16360967

JIT and Lean page2image1636096page2image16367209

Flexible, Responsive, and Resilient page2image163672011

Global Crises Cause Disarray page2image1635888 page2image1636096 page2image163630413

Where Does the Supply Chain Go Next? page2image1636512 page2image1636720 page2image163692816

About the Authors page2image1637136 page2image1637344 page2image163755219

About SAC page2image1637760page2image1637968 page2image163817625




