“Logistic accelerator is the LOGIKO methodology for accelerating logistical operations, asset revolutions (inventories of ISLs) and overall increase in efficiency for growth and profitability.”

How to make the warehouse fast and lightning-fast in its operations?
We all know that customers love it when their order arrives in the shortest possible time, even before they expected it. We also know that we are satisfied when we complete all orders during regular working hours. However, we also know that sometimes it is not possible because there are seasons when the number of orders and transactions in the warehouse increases by more than three times compared to the average.
So, how to speed up warehouse operations to ensure timely deliveries even during the peak season and keep customers satisfied?
When we talk about a warehouse and how to turn it into an efficient warehouse we need to keep in mind the following facts and questions:
- Collection of orders and picking is an activity that accounts for between 40 to 60 percent of total warehouse costs
- Factors that most influence the speed of picking and thus the costs are the layout of the warehouse, the training and motivation of people, processes and methods and the tools (technologies) they use
- Your logistics and warehouses manager manages most of your property (warehouse, equipment, supplies …)
Value for you brought by LOGIKO CONSULTING
- Accelerating processes in logistics, thereby shortening the time from customer order to delivery. In this way, we help you accelerate your entire business and improve your cash flow.
- Define measurable standards and thus easier monitoring the productivity of logistics, warehouses and individual employees. If we want to know if our costs and investments are justified, we must constantly monitor the ROI of our employees.
- Space saving, cost reductions and increased logistics capacity. Why invest in a new larger warehouse if you have the potential to increase capacity in the existing one and thus better use of space and people.
Logistic accelerator is a LOGIKO methodology for accelerating logistical operations, asset turnover (stock, etc.), and overall increase in efficiency in order to grow and make profit. In order for your warehouse to be fast, it must be FAST!
So, the word FAST means fast, but at the same time it represents an acronym for what will help your warehouse and warehouse operations to become as quick as lightning:
FLOW – The basic rule in the process is that each process consists of activities that add value and which the buyer pays, and of activities that do not add value, that is, which are a pure waste of time and money (walking, waiting, double manipulation, etc.). Any surpluses and losses should be eliminated from the process. To achieve this, you must carefully observe the processes, map them and remove all critical and problematic points.
ACCESSIBILITY– Here I mean unhindered access to the goods, and no confusion, non-assorted goods or disorder should not hinder the access. The main advantages here are ergonomics and alignment with customer ordering frequency. It is necessary to arrange the goods in order to keep the operators in the warehouse on the optimal path they normally use. Use tools such as Pareto Ruleand ABC Analysisand Ergonomics Rules.
SPACE – The space has been, and in many cases, still is a fetish with professionals in logistics. Although it may sound strange (not to say heretic), the basic function of a modern warehouse is not storage of goods – the basic function of the warehouse is to get goods out of the warehouse.Perhaps the warehouse once was used to store the goods for a longer period (especially when most industries were linked to agricultural cycles). Today, we have a completely different structure of industry and the main goal is not to store goods but to put goods out of the warehouse in the most efficient way.
Since the warehouse function determines its design and layout space you have to adjust this space and its design to the function of goods output, rather than storing the goods in the long run. It is therefore essential to determine the ratio of storage space and room for manipulation.
THROUGHPUT – The throughput of the warehouse itself is the bloodstream that gives it life and if there is no throughput it comes to bottleneck and obstruction that can lead to complication of the complete work process. If you want to avoid that you need to look at the productivity of the warehouse and measure it. You first need to know where you stand currently and then set the realistic goals where you want to be and then work to achieve it. The important thing here is the human factor because it is all about how much you have used the resources. You need to do benchmark and carefully set the productivity goals you want to achieve.
You also need to be aware that productivity can be increased to a certain limit, and then you need to install an appropriate technology that can further bring productivity to some new levels.
Logistic accelerator is the LOGIKO methodology for accelerating logistical operations, asset revolutions (inventories of ISLs) and overall increase in efficiency for growth and profitability.
Warehouse as a liver
Logistics and warehouse can be compared to the liver! All business problems are seen in warehouse and logistics, but root cause of these problems are not only found in the warehouse. Therefore, if we want to improve our warehouse and make solutions in that direction, by processing and analyzing logistic data, processes in the warehouse – to look a little wider in term of the whole business of the company. The question you need to ask about your warehouse is How much is the actual efficiency in your warehouse?
When we talk about a warehouse and how to turn it into an efficient warehouse we need to keep in mind the following facts and questions:
Collection of orders and picking is an activity that accounts for between 40 to 60 percent of total warehouse costs
Factors that most influence the speed of picking and thus the costs are the layout of the warehouse, the training and motivation of people, processes and methods and the tools (technologies) they use
Your logistics and warehouses manager manages most of your property (warehouse, equipment, supplies …)
Value for you brought by LOGIKO CONSULTING
Accelerating processes in logistics, thereby shortening the time from customer order to delivery. In this way, we help you accelerate your entire business and improve your cash flow.
Define measurable standards and thus easier monitoring the productivity of logistics, warehouses and individual employees. If we want to know if our costs and investments are justified, we must constantly monitor the ROI of our employees.
Space saving, cost reductions and increased logistics capacity. Why invest in a new larger warehouse if you have the potential to increase capacity in the existing one and thus better use of space and people
ITALCRO d.o.o. – Increase of warehouse efficiency and stock optimization
Rajko Stanek, Sales Director, ITALCRO d.o.o. Pula
“The techniques for inventory and warehouse management that Antonio Zrilić has taught us have dramatically improved the understanding of logistics.
Mr. Zrilić has helped us to better understand the overall logistical situation. He has provided us with a bunch of suggestions we have translated into the plan of actions and accelerated the throughput of goods in the warehouse. The level of service to our customers has also increased dramatically…“